Monthly users are number of unique users visiting your website. This is both identified/registered and anonymous users.
Do you have free trial period?
Yes, for one month. We are confident of Alme improving your conversion significantly and one month will be enough to demonstrate that
How do you measure monthly users
We will measure monthly users through our plugin. We can also use any other analytics software to measure monthly users. However Google Analytics is not recommended since their cookies are blocked by a lot of browsers
What will be my price if I have 50k monthly users
Our pricing is on slabs of 10k users, hence for 50k users, the growth plan pricing will be $39*5 i.e USD 195 per month
What is the payment method?
We have an online payment gateway. For enterprise customers, we provide invoicing or bank payment
What is the billing period
You can choose monthly or annual billing. For annual billing, there will be a discount of 20% from monthly billing shown above